Booksmart: Sex and Masturbation with Beanie Feldstein and Kaitlyn Dever

If you're curious about the ins and outs of relationships and intimacy, you'll want to hear what Beanie Feldstein and Kaitlyn Dever have to say. These two actresses aren't holding back when it comes to discussing the complexities of sex and connection. Their candid conversation will have you nodding along and maybe even rethinking your own approach to intimacy. For more insights on dating and relationships, check out this comparison between SilverSingles and BareApp.

If you're a fan of coming-of-age comedies, then you've probably heard of the 2019 film "Booksmart." Directed by Olivia Wilde, this film follows the story of two high school best friends, Molly (played by Beanie Feldstein) and Amy (played by Kaitlyn Dever), who realize they've missed out on the typical teenage experiences and decide to make up for lost time before graduating.

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One of the standout aspects of "Booksmart" is its honest and refreshing approach to topics such as sex and masturbation. In a world where these topics are often taboo or stigmatized, the film's portrayal of these experiences is both relatable and empowering for its young audience. In this article, we'll dive into the way "Booksmart" handles sex and masturbation, and how Beanie Feldstein and Kaitlyn Dever have spoken out about the importance of representing these topics in a positive light.

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Breaking the Stigma: Masturbation in "Booksmart"

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Masturbation is a natural and healthy part of human sexuality, yet it's rarely portrayed openly and positively in mainstream media. However, "Booksmart" challenges this stigma by featuring a scene in which Amy engages in self-pleasure. The scene is not played for shock value or titillation, but rather as a normal and private aspect of Amy's life. This portrayal is a breath of fresh air in a genre that often shies away from discussing female masturbation.

In interviews, Kaitlyn Dever has spoken about the importance of including this scene in the film. She has emphasized the lack of representation of female masturbation in film and how "Booksmart" aims to break down the barriers and show that it's a natural and normal part of growing up. By acknowledging and normalizing masturbation, the film sends a positive message to its audience, particularly young women, that it's okay to explore their own sexuality and pleasure.

Sex-Positive Storytelling: Beanie Feldstein's Perspective

In addition to its portrayal of masturbation, "Booksmart" also tackles the topic of sex in a sex-positive and empowering way. Beanie Feldstein, who plays Molly, has been vocal about the film's approach to depicting teenage sexuality. In an interview with The Guardian, she discussed how the film doesn't shy away from the reality of teenage sexual experiences, but instead presents them in an honest and non-judgmental light.

Beanie Feldstein has expressed her belief that it's crucial for young people to see authentic and positive representations of sex and sexuality in media. By doing so, it helps to normalize these experiences and allows individuals to feel more comfortable and confident in their own sexuality. "Booksmart" accomplishes this by showing that sex is a natural part of growing up and that it can be empowering when approached with respect and consent.

The Impact of "Booksmart" on Teen Audiences

"Booksmart" has been praised for its progressive and inclusive portrayal of teenage sexuality, and its impact on young audiences cannot be overstated. By depicting sex and masturbation in a positive and authentic manner, the film provides a valuable and much-needed perspective for its teenage viewers. It shows them that their experiences and feelings are valid and worthy of representation, and that they are not alone in navigating these aspects of their lives.

For the readers of, "Booksmart" serves as a reminder of the importance of open and honest discussions about sex and masturbation. It encourages individuals to embrace their own sexuality and explore their desires in a healthy and respectful way. By featuring relatable and empowering characters like Molly and Amy, the film offers a positive example for young people to follow as they navigate their own sexual journeys.

In conclusion, "Booksmart" stands out as a refreshing and forward-thinking film that tackles the topics of sex and masturbation with authenticity and positivity. Beanie Feldstein and Kaitlyn Dever's perspectives on the importance of representing these experiences in a positive light further highlight the impact of the film on its audience. As we continue to strive for a more sex-positive society, "Booksmart" serves as a valuable example of how media can play a role in normalizing and empowering discussions about sexuality.